Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Headed back to DTB's secret spot today for some additional snookin'. I launched at 10:30am, and after a good 30 minute paddle, was able to access the snook hole on a good high tide.

The conditions were generally unfavorable, mostly due to a 15 knot wind whipping across the water. In addition, it had rained heavily the night before, which made me think the fish would be uncooperative, and they were.

I was a good 100 casts in without a bite before I was able to get the skunk off with a topwater hook-up with a very angry jack crevalle. The location that was holding big schools of small snook on my last time out did not produce anything, so I went to the windy side of the hole and started throwing my big She Dog topwater at the shore. It was tough fishing. The chop on the water made it nearly impossible to walkt he dog.

About a dozen casts in, I had a huge blow up through the chop, and a sizable snook took hold of my lure. About five minutes later, I brought it to the yak. I don't have any photos of the beast, but it was my personal best snook, coming in at 29".  I've got video of the catch here.

A short time later I had another monster snook follow my lure up to the yak, only to turn back when it got sight of me.

I finished up fishing the area, picking up two more small snook and a nice trout on my Yo-zuri Crystal Minnow. On the paddle back I tried a few casts, and caught another trout on topwater. I also saw a big school of snook holding off one of the spoil islands, but they were uncooperative. Still it's good to see the snook making a nice comeback.

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