Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An interesting bycatch

Today I took my lunch out on the river, and let’s just cut to the chase and say that I didn’t catch crap. I caught an oyster shell, okay? Meh.

As I fished, countless pieces of flotsam drifted by, perhaps the ugliest remains of last weekend’s Gasparilla parade. One plastic bottle floated close to the dock I was fishing from, so I reached my pole down and pulled it up. Upon closer inspection, I found that the bottle had a message in it.

I took the bottle back to my office, used some scissors to cut it open, and found this inside:

This is my best transcription of the note, which was written in severely slanted cursive on Paula White stationery:

“Eyes of Love”

Is my health getting any better? “No.” Every day my strength grows weak in my flesh. “But” Spiritually I grow strong by leaning on my father in heaven fully trusting with Sincere Love.

A pain struck my heart last night. In the state of Confusion on my heart called “Love.” “But” for God is of no Confusion. Trying to fight the Passion with Compassion of knowing I am in “Love.” How did this happen? I ask myself. A Burning desire burns within me.

How much longer can I hold back? Thoughts of you melt me inside. Eye contact speaks with deep unforgettable words.

You were never just a Donor. You were a soul mate.

I’m in “Love”!!! Even in painful silence, that’s good enough for me.

I don’t care what people dare to think! “Love” was made for you and for me.

Signed, Shawynclaus

The text is accompanied with a drawing of a house, a tree, and a horse. Over the house, the author wrote: “Stable for Beautiful.” The horse is accompanied with the text “Beautiful white.” Across the top of the page is a title of: “AWAY IN A MANGER.”

Detail of the letter:

I have to day, I can't stop thinking about this letter.

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