Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 31st, 2012

Kelly and I paddled out at 6:30am this morning, which was about an hour before dawn. Though the wind had been forecast at 5mph all week, as we launched it was a steady 10 with gusts to 15mph. I don't think we've had a day of wind below 10mph for the last three months.

Our disappointment was quickly forgotten as we paddled out to one of the spoil islands. Each time that our paddle hit the water, a trail of bioluminescent plankton would light up the water in a blue glow.

The sky started to lighten up right as we were ready to start casting:

The fishing for the day was average. The wind kept us restricted to a small area of water, but we made the best of it. Kelly and I caught a few small trout on topwater and later I added a keeper trout on a DOA shad tail. The best fish of the day I caught on my first cast with a big honkin' She Dog Topwater. The trout was a good 22" in length and super fat.

I picked up another trout or two and a handful of ladyfish to round out the day. Kelly tried his hand at chucking bait, but couldn't get anything but catfish.

It was really fishy out there today, but the conditions prevented us from taking advantage. I have to dial up mother nature for a glassy day on the flats.